Dear Editor,

“Love is the only rational answer to the problem of human existence.” – Erich Fromm

Is love the only satisfactory answer?

Love may not be the absolutely perfect answer, but Kamloops uses its ability to find an appropriate answer.

The Sandman “evacuee” Center showed a development of love to a level that really matters.

I am a BC fire evacuee from Williams Lake. Where human need was recognized, essential social services was, and is, given unconditionally.

The challenge was hugely exhausting for responders with capacity to love one’s neighbour. In Kamloops, I witnessed human beings helping: unified with caring compassion, with purpose, patience, tolerance, kindness, understanding, empathy, and real help.

Thank you to those in Kamloops for your loving response.

“If we are to survive, even our emotions must be harmonized with this greatest of all problems and purposes and goals—to continue our personal life, and to continue the life of mankind on the planet which we inhabit, in cooperation with our fellow man.” – Alfred Adler

Could it be, “love” harmonized with the greatest of all problems, climate chaos from man-made climate change, that will make human survival on this planet possible?

Thank you all for the friends among us, for the love between us.

Herb Nakada
Williams Lake, BC


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