By Lisa Bland —

Dear Readers,

I can’t believe we’ve already entered the heart of winter and the shortest, darkest days of the year. Although it’s been fairly moderate so far, it still seems like the change in the weather dropped in out of the blue. The scramble for winter tires, snow shovels, snow scrapers, and warm clothing always comes as a bit of a shock, especially when it dips down below -20 and we quickly find out just how winterized we are. Winter brings many blessings too—dazzling snow covered peaks, crisp sunny days and outdoor activities in the snowy expanse, and the urge to be creative, gather, and enjoy quality time with one another. The Cariboo is also home to an impressive network of artisans, crafts people, and small businesses that busily create their wares for the flurry of craft fairs across the region. Support for the local market economy is noticeable in the number of people that turn out, and it’s hard not to be inspired to join in ‘the season of giving.’

One of my most enjoyable craft sale experiences was visiting the Medieval Market on November 24. With yearly increasing attendance and record numbers, there is nothing that says ‘local’ and ‘spirit of the season’ more than this event. Whether it was the ambiance created by the beautifully dressed medieval crafts people, the gracious student hosts serving homemade soups and treats, the rich colours and textures of hand woven wool scarves, blankets, hats, gloves, fabric art, and pottery, the scent of fresh apples, ground coffee, beeswax candles, and lavender scented creams, the taste of almond Roca, chocolate covered cranberries, and wild berry jams, or the ongoing line-up of locally talented musicians, the two-day event was a dizzying delight for the senses. The friendly market environment definitely provided a jump start into the winter season of festivities, generosity, and socializing with friends.

Winter also marks the time of year when it is natural to go within and cultivate the imagination, artistic creations, and dream of the sun’s light. In many cultures, Solstice was a time to celebrate the re-birth of the light and emergence of the sun from the darkest day and

longest night of the year. In ancient texts and traditions across the world, including those of the Egyptians, Druids, Mayans, Incas, and Greeks, reference is made to a spiritual reverence towards the sun. Sun worship in some form is one of the oldest universal themes in spiritual traditions and numerous ancient sites were aligned with the days of the Solstices and Equinoxes.

According to cosmologists, around 400 million years after the Big Bang, the universe first emerged out of darkness. Ultraviolet light was emitted for the first time as clumps of gas collapsed and the first stars and galaxies were formed. Scientists think our solar system and sun were formed as a gigantic cloud of dust rotated and sucked in material around it and gravity collapsed it and it spun into a flattened spiral. The sun was formed as much of the material gathered in the center. Our solar system is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old, and our sun is one of a scattering of more than a 100 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

Staring up at the stars in the night sky and basking in the warm glow of the sun is an experience we share with all humans throughout time. There is no denying the power and life giving force the sun feeds our planet, nor the degree that we are influenced by light. All living creatures are attuned to cycles of light. Just how gases formed into galaxies and birthed stars and planets, among them a perfect blue planet exquisitely balanced and inhabited by eventual conscious life, is a mystery that many cultures have pondered. Mystics throughout time have suggested that life is multi-dimensional and that there is much more to our world that what we perceive with our five physical senses.

Despite the laws governing physical matter at the macro level that we accept in our day to day reality on terra firma, quantum physicists have shown that matter does not adhere to these laws at its most basic quantum level. In a theory called the Copenhagen Interpretation, studies show that the act of observing or measuring has an effect on whether matter exists in wave or particle form, a principle known as wave-particle duality. At its base, quantum theory suggests objective reality does not exist at the quantum level, for the act of measuring causes a potential ‘field of possibility’ to immediately assume one form or another. In other studies, it has been shown that photons ‘orient’ to one another in close proximity or become ‘entangled,’ remaining oriented to one another regardless of the distance they are separated.

The International Space Station (ISS) aims to test the theory definitively by conducting an experiment that proves photons remain entangled over great distances (500 km), a theory that Albert Einstein first coined as ‘spooky action at a distance.’ (Read more at: and

With the scientific demonstration of non-local entanglement and observer-influenced results in quantum particles, it’s not hard to see why ideas behind the science of intention, quantum mysticism, and energy healing continue to gather momentum as humans question the nature and fabric of commonly held reality. While some abruptly turn away from mystical interpretations of science, feeling it wrongly endorses faith healers and spiritual gurus playing on fears to generate cash and take their place in the spotlight, some believe it is only a matter of time when science will catch up to what mystics have always known about the nature of reality.

The unfathomable elements at the basis of many non-conventional types of healing seem to suggest transcendence over basic physical laws and principles. Meet Adam Dreamhealer, doctor, author, and energy healer who is working hard to build a bridge between the two worlds with his belief that each side complements and strengthens the other.

Adam McLeod, ND, a.k.a Dreamhealer, at his Integrative Healing Workshop in Vancouver BC. Photo by Lisa Bland

In the November issue of TheGreenGazette, I mentioned my opportunity last year to interview Vancouver based, Adam MacLeod, otherwise know as Dreamhealer, or as coined in a 2003 Rolling Stone article, “The boy with the magic touch.” After reading a 2003 Globe and Mail article, “All about Adam,” I was struck by the direct and unpretentious way then 16-year-old Adam spoke about “energy healing,” a topic usually sidelined to the fringes. In the article, Adam openly shared his experiences sensing energy and auras, how he discovered his healing abilities, his belief in intention as a powerful tool anyone can use for healing, and that science would eventually explain his experiences.

His rise to the international stage occurred that year after contacting rock and roll legend, Ronnie Hawkins, who had been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. Adam offered Hawkins his assistance, and after daily scheduled distance energy healing sessions, Hawkins’ cancer disappeared. Edgar Mitchell, retired pilot and NASA astronaut, also received distance energy treatments from Adam for kidney cancer and experienced a complete remission.

Ten years later, Adam now aged 26, holds a degree in molecular biology and biochemistry, has recently completed his training as a naturopathic doctor and will be opening a clinic in Vancouver, has presented healing workshops around the world guiding people to access their healing abilities, and has written four best-selling books and produced two DVDs with healing visualizations.

When I attended his workshop in person, I was immediately struck by how unpretentious Adam seemed on stage. Here was not someone cultivating a persona to charm the audience; in fact, he seemed, and later admitted in a personal interview, that he is uncomfortable being in the spotlight. What I liked about Adam was the way he spoke very practically and in a matter of fact way about energy, healing, and intention, and often described his points with biological and cellular explanations of body processes and functions, such as how DNA can be affected by our intentions.

At 16, Adam already had a firm idea of where he was going, stating in Rolling Stone that after he graduated he wanted to become a naturopathic doctor and integrate energy healing with conventional medicine. He said, “The medical community and the healing community have the same goal, so why not work together? I’m very confident that all this can be explained by science, and I’m determined to prove it.”

During his day-long workshop, jam-packed with around 400 participants, Adam’s quotes flash across the screen: “Every cell in the body responds to the subtle energy of light,” “Light co-ordinates all life processes,” “Intentions affect things far beyond our awareness,” and “Everyone takes the limits of his/her perception as the limits of the world.” The take-home message was this: everyone can play an active role in their own healing and be empowered knowing that their thoughts influence the body’s biochemistry to assist in the healing process.

The mysterious properties and interconnectedness of light and matter all play a part in the unfolding of our relationship with ourselves and the cosmos, and if there is truth in the new age adage that our thoughts create our reality, then our health may be more in our control than we think. In spiritual terms one might say, “Be mindful of your self-talk; it’s a conversation with the universe.”

To find out more about Adam’s workshops, books, and Global Intention Heals Project visit and Happy winter everyone!


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